Happy Birthday Vashti!
My gift to you: http://youtu.be/TnIAPuA78TA
Of course on this special day I must say a few words to my dear dear friend. When I first met you I thought, "This girl is crazy." And after a few months, I realized that my first impression of you was correct. You were crazy. You are crazy. And I don't ever want you to change your craziness!
Other than being totally off the wall, and completely unlike any friend I ever had before, you are a great teacher. "Huh?" You ask, "What did I teach you?" Well...I learned things from you that I could never learn from anyone else. For example, you taught me that its okay to be real with people. Before you, I had a hard time showing my real face to my friends, my church, people in everyday life. I believed, like many do, that putting up a front was the only way to get through life because it was safe. And being safe at the end of the day is all that matters. BOY was I wrong! I hope others will also see the light after being around you even for just a few minutes. I remember thinking, "This girl is free. She is herself no matter the situation. She is honest. I admire that. I need that. That honesty." So I thank you for that one important lesson.
However, that is just one lesson in a HUMONGOUS bucket of lessons learned from Vashti. I will share the others around your next birthday time (you'll have to still be friends with me then--see what I did there!). On to how you taught me these important lessons. It wasn't ever a class or a long detailed explanation in "who Vashti is." You simply live your life and in that, simply living, you can be the best teacher and encourage those around you much more than any extravagant preacher can.
This is why I treasure you! You are one of the few people out there who is real. You don't mess around and take the fakeness. I love talking with you and hearing how your day went. There really is never a boring day in Vashti's life. When I see your name I see orange butterflies, sunflowers, yoga mats, and lots and lots of tea! I hope the next years for you will bring even more oppurtunities for you to shine. God is working through you. Stay strong, vibrant, and active. Stay spontaneous. Always be laughing. I know you will go on a great adventure someday and it will be amazing. Just remember to invite me!
Love ya girl!
Friday, September 21, 2012
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Monday, August 13, 2012
Well this failed!--sorta
Hello again friends!
As you can see in the above photo, I am about to punch myself in the face.
Because. Its August. What? I said, its August. Its August, its August, its AUGUST!
I know you all can count. March was my last entry................................................its been awhile.
I'm back! With a new obsession of cutting things! You can tell in the pic I've gotten a shorter haircut due to my scissor addiction. But hair is only the first victim, the second is clothing. The shirt in the picture is also cut up.
Off the subject of my diseases and many things wrong with me, what has happened this summer you ask?
1. Summer Camp
2. Camp in the summer
3. Gone for 6 weeks
4. Camp Blue Ridge
5. Up in the mountains
6. Had fun!
7. Ha-la-la-la-la-la-la-le-lu-jah
The above is what happened. If you're really that interested in knowing, come on over and I'll let you read my diary entries for those 6 weeks because guess what? I wrote every single day! WHAAAAA?
My new favorite annoying songs:
1. What Makes You Beautiful
2. Be A Man (from Disney's Mulan)
3. Circle of Life (from Disney's Lion King)
4. Colors of the Wind (from Disney's Pocohontas)
--yeah I know-- a lot of Disney.
But the best thing that I took away is the theme of the summer camp which was: "Heart of Worship." Yes. We sang that song. Yes. A lot of times. Yes, at times it was annoying. But everytime I sang it, I thought about the meaning and really tried my best to make it worship although it was "same old, same old." Good isn't boring. The distractions of this life are not worth the suffering.
Coming back from camp, I want to move and go out there and really just be proud and open about being a child of God. So that others will want this peace! It is amazing!
As you can see in the above photo, I am about to punch myself in the face.
Because. Its August. What? I said, its August. Its August, its August, its AUGUST!
I know you all can count. March was my last entry................................................its been awhile.
I'm back! With a new obsession of cutting things! You can tell in the pic I've gotten a shorter haircut due to my scissor addiction. But hair is only the first victim, the second is clothing. The shirt in the picture is also cut up.
Off the subject of my diseases and many things wrong with me, what has happened this summer you ask?
1. Summer Camp
2. Camp in the summer
3. Gone for 6 weeks
4. Camp Blue Ridge
5. Up in the mountains
6. Had fun!
7. Ha-la-la-la-la-la-la-le-lu-jah
The above is what happened. If you're really that interested in knowing, come on over and I'll let you read my diary entries for those 6 weeks because guess what? I wrote every single day! WHAAAAA?
My new favorite annoying songs:
1. What Makes You Beautiful
2. Be A Man (from Disney's Mulan)
3. Circle of Life (from Disney's Lion King)
4. Colors of the Wind (from Disney's Pocohontas)
--yeah I know-- a lot of Disney.
But the best thing that I took away is the theme of the summer camp which was: "Heart of Worship." Yes. We sang that song. Yes. A lot of times. Yes, at times it was annoying. But everytime I sang it, I thought about the meaning and really tried my best to make it worship although it was "same old, same old." Good isn't boring. The distractions of this life are not worth the suffering.
Coming back from camp, I want to move and go out there and really just be proud and open about being a child of God. So that others will want this peace! It is amazing!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
"That's Mahogany!" a Hunger Games review
What did I think of the HUNGER GAMES? Well-------ON PEETA
His was the first name I could think of after I finished watching the movie. The burning question in my mind about the next movie is "What will happen to Peeta." Keep in mind that I read the books after I had seen the trailer for the film adaptation. So I imagined each character with their actor's face ever present in my mind. Josh Hutcherson surpassed my expectations of what Peeta should act like. The only thing I didn't like about his character is that he didn't get more dialogue with Katniss to show us, the audience, just how in love with her he is.
Favorite scene w/ Peeta: Obviously the cave scene. And when Katniss finds him all camouflaged! And when he shouts "Go run!" Also, he didn't look too bad tossing stuff around during training.
The reason why she wasn't first on my list of mentioned is because she is too ordinary. Usually I enjoy the ordinary hero as much as the next viewer especially if the unexpected hero is a girl...however, although Jennifer Lawrence's acting was Katniss good I just don't enjoy her as much as a character. She was very protective at the beginning of Prim and bitter towards her mother which I never liked about her. She's a very tricky heroine. You are supposed to like her and hate her and identify with her all at the same time. And I can do all of that! I just don't love her.
Favorite scene w/ Katniss: Rue's death. She got a chance to show her emotion. In the film it seemed as if Katniss knew what she was doing and you couldn't actually believe that she could lose. She was up there with Cato as far as survival and strategy goes I think. There could have been more of a risk with her and there wasn't enough for me.
Instead of going in the list of "other" characters Effie stands out because other than Peeta, this movie got Effie straight on! From the way she dressed, her accent, high shoes, to the way she yelled out the phrase that is taking over tumblr "That's Mahogany!" Effie Trinket stole Katniss' thunder.
Favorite scene w/ Effie: All the awkward moments between her and Haymitch. I think I'm going to ship those two from now on in the movies.
I wish he was grubbier. I wish he was meaner. I wish he had shown more vulnerability when he was drunk. The actor was good. I liked his look but I wish he was just a bit more exaggerated. His relationship with Katniss was good. Even in the movie he was still brutally honest.
Favorite scene w/ Haymitch: After Katniss' interview he says " I like your dress." Effie is standing right next to Katniss so he adds looking at Effie, "Not yours." Effie/Haymitch need to be a canon couple!
Boring. He was so boring. The only way he resembled President Snow in the books is his hair. I have nothing against Donald Sutherland and that is the problem right there! I didn't hate him! Snow has to be hated. Where was the smell of blood? Where was the coldness? I wanted to snuggle up to him and have him read me a bedtime story he was so nice!
No favorite scene.
I didn't know the actor who played Caesar was going to play him in the movie but when I read the book I put Stanley Tucci's face behind that mic. His smile and laugh and gait was exactly how I imagined it. Like Peeta, Caesar did not let me down! He put on a FANTASTIC show.
Favorite scene: The interview with Katniss. It was so awkward but that kiss he gave her on the hand was so sweet of him.
I love how he was nice and friendly and very supportive to Katniss. I wish I had liked Katniss more. You know to get down to it, I'm just really jealous of her that's why I'm so hard on her character. Because if it was me I'd take advantage of the situation so bad...okay end of that off point. Cinna. Yes. Very good.
Favorite scene: Those moments before the games begin. When he places his forehead to hers. He understands and can sympathize with his tributes.
Where was Cinna's support stylists? I missed them. I also missed Madge and the scene at the beginning when Gale and Katniss hunted would have been better if they had added the scene with the two runaways and the one who gets turned into an avox. Avoxes in general. I felt like they toned it down way too much to make it "kid friendly." True it is PG-13 but still it felt like a teen flick. I wanted gritty and creepy and something darker. Where was the mystery and darkness lurking behind those painted faces at the Capitol? I liked the game maker better as Snow than Snow himself? Why? Because he had a mischeviousness about him that the Capitol lacked.
At the beginning of the story Gale and Katniss wander upon two runaway persons in the woods during a hunting expedition. One is killed while the other is taken away in a hovercraft. Katniss runs into this person later on at the Capitol after she has become an Avox. She always felt guilty that she didn't help her. I feel like this side plot would have gone a long way in helping me like Katniss' character more.
2. Peeta's INJURIES
Peeta was supposed to have his leg amputated! What happened there? He was supposed to have almost died? Instead he just has a small fever from a very small cut in his leg. Big fail there!
3. Cinna's TEAM
I missed this rambunctious shallow bunch. Sure it would have made this movie longer, but again just more things that would have added to Katniss' character boost on the ladder of my favor.
4. Haymitch AT THE REAPING
Why wasn't Haymitch at the Reaping? He was supposed to keel over drunk!
Where were the eyes of the dead tributes in the mutts? Why didn't anyone react more to the food getting blown up? I didn't feel enough desperateness and hate between all the tributes during the games. Sure they all may not have enjoyed their time there, but I am sure there were some who were blood thirsty and that was shown in Cato but there wasn't enough fear and desperateness in the rest of the victims.
I didn't feel there was enough of a struggle between the three of them. There was one moment when Gale sees Peeta/Katniss together in the cave but I don't feel that the movie did justice to the struggle Katniss was feeling by playing the lover. Peeta didn't even seem to care that much when she says she wishes she could forget it all. The dial on Peeta and Katniss' relationship was tuned down so low I could barely detect it. If there wasn't that kiss I don't know...there was one scene that was perfect with Peeta/Katniss. When she hears a cannon and thinks its Peeta and then bumps into him and scolds him for picking nightlock berries perfect. Yeah. Peeta did well on his part of being in love but I didn't feel the struggle in Katniss. All Katniss was in was survival mode. Oh well. Maybe the next movie will remedy this.
Okay so if I had to rate this movie I would give it an 8!
The cinematography was really good--I just wish the camera wasn't so shaky and music videoish on some parts I was getting dizzy. Acting good. Actor choice was pretty good. Violence was well represented. Storyline....I know its hard to shorten a book but I wish they had added more to make this story gutsier. They toned it down alot and that's not the reason I enjoy these books so much. Its about a heartless society. They kill kids. Its supposed to be gritty and creepy and scary. They needed more creepy. Also, more desperate. Snow again was a BIG FAIL! Other than that, I really liked Peeta and Effie and smiled so much when Katniss blew up the supplies. Many great memorable moments. So now I'm off to buy the books so that I can re-read the first one again before watching the movie again!
May the odds be ever in your favor.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Nightmares and Africa
Its 4am. I am awake right now because I had a very disturbing dream.
I dreamnt that my youngest sister was abducted and brutually murdered.
One of my friends was also captured but he made it out all right. I woke up on the verge of tears, scared, and very alone. I was afraid a team of kidnappers would burst into my house at any moment, whereupon, I would jump into my closet and duck behind my wall of clothing. What about the rest of my family?
I think this dream really was playing on the fact that I really miss my cousin (he was living with us at one time when we had joint custody over him). Also, that bad things are happening of this nature, are constantly occurring to decent people like myself and it was time that I paid attention and be more sympathetic.
I won't share my friends' lists of problems and tragedies but I will share this:
Right now in Africa kids are being abducted. Ripped from their families, forced to kill and do unspeakable acts until they are no longer "children". Right now in Africa a man named Joseph Kony.
I woke up from my nightmare and this is what I had to do. I had to make this issue known to everyone I could come in contact with. I can imagine what it would be like to lose a sister. But I am fortunate that I woke up from the nightmare. Many people don't get that chance to wake up from their nightmare because their nightmare is reality.
I cannot explain to you the whole story about the war that goes on in Africa, but I can tell you that I watched a short film by the organization Invisible Children who support the belief that Joseph Kony must be hunted down and brought to justice.
The following video really reminded me that there are tragedies going on all over the world. People need our help, our prayers, and our thoughts. We also need to start doing something to help. Now, I wouldn't recommend donating money to this group below just because I am a a bit skeptical of their organization. Read this: We Got Trouble and Invisible Children respond to critiques then make up your mind on whether or not to believe this group.
However, we do need to be aware and make Kony known to those who haven't heard his name. We have to pray for the situation and then come together and find a way to do what we can to help.
In any case, there are always going to be wars and rumors of wars on earth. What matters is how we, as bystanders, react in cases like this. It reminds me of a quote that has been revised from the original by Pastor Nieomoller during WWII.
They came for my enemies and I did not speak out,
Then they came for the people I did not care about, and I did not speak out.
After them, they came for my friends and still I did not speak.
Then they came for my family and I did not speak.
Finally, they came for me and there was no one to speak for me.
The following video really reminded me that there are tragedies going on all over the world. People need our help, our prayers, and our thoughts. We also need to start doing something to help. Now, I wouldn't recommend donating money to this group below just because I am a a bit skeptical of their organization. Read this: We Got Trouble and Invisible Children respond to critiques then make up your mind on whether or not to believe this group.
However, we do need to be aware and make Kony known to those who haven't heard his name. We have to pray for the situation and then come together and find a way to do what we can to help.
In any case, there are always going to be wars and rumors of wars on earth. What matters is how we, as bystanders, react in cases like this. It reminds me of a quote that has been revised from the original by Pastor Nieomoller during WWII.
They came for my enemies and I did not speak out,
Then they came for the people I did not care about, and I did not speak out.
After them, they came for my friends and still I did not speak.
Then they came for my family and I did not speak.
Finally, they came for me and there was no one to speak for me.
Watch the video and make Joseph Kony famous. END WAR.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Welcome to the club!
Zoey D's character Jess, being welcomed to the club of "kid haters" |
I was watching the cute and quirky, Zoey Deschanel on her new tv show "New Girl." In the most recent episode, Zoey's character, Jess who is a teacher, accidentally sabotages her student's science project. When confronted by the principal, who believed that Jess had destroyed the student on purpose out of spite, Jess is greeted with a hug and a "welcome to the club of kid haters."
I feel like I was reluctantly welcomed to this club during the past month of February.
Before this February rolled around, I believed that the teachers I knew enjoyed teaching and loved their students. I love teaching. I teach kids at my church, at my part time worship dance job. Teaching is such a big part of my life. I enjoy teaching! So much so, that I want to become a teacher one day! I wanted to join the club of "kid lovers." However, this past month had me re-thinking teachers and their devotion to their students.
Most know how Teachers are under paid for their work. They are put on long schedules with a strict curriculum that must be followed to a "T". I have come to believe that Teachers who start out like Zoey D's character Jess from "New Girl", creative and loving and willing to give everything to their pupils, end up bitter, bored, and tired.
During my experience this month, watching another Teacher handle his class, listening to his backhand comments, complaining about this or that concerning their students, I was put off. One day they even confided in me spewing out their annoyances and expecting some type of comfort for their "pitiful profession."
I felt like I was supposed to say something like, "Oh yeah. Those kids are stupid."
Now I'm not saying that I wouldn't be tired as a Teacher. I'm not saying I wouldn't get tired of the long hours. I'm not saying that the kids wouldn't annoy me sometimes. I'm not saying that I wouldn't regret being a Teacher. But I am saying that if I did feel that way I hope I would have the decency to STOP everything immediately and QUIT then and there.
I hope I would have the decency to at least keep my angry sentiments to myself instead of sharing them with EVERYONE in sight!
Life is too short to spend time whining over something you clearly don't want to do. Don't do something just because you're obligated to do it when your heart is not in it. And when you are caught in a job you HATE, PLEASE for yourself and others, quit immediately. You are not doing anyone any favors by staying in a situation where no one is happy.
The school system is so messed up, as is everything else in this world. But when you get a good teacher it really is worth all those long hours spent doing homework. A good teacher makes sure that they are there to answer any and every question. A good teacher gets tired, gets bored, gets uninspired. But the most important thing that makes a teacher good, is that a good teacher persists, never gives up, works hard to help and is a people server.
My prayer is that I will be that type of teacher. The type that persists, is creative, and strives to inspire students to learn and help themselves have a better life. And I pray that I will keep those feelings of boredom, fatigue, and annoyance to myself on the days that aren't so good.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Maybe a future song
He has been bought. Sold. Traded. He is no longer a person with intellectual worth. He lives for enjoyment. Selfish feelings and childish sentiments. There is no longer a sensible being here. He is gone. There is only animal. An animal that longs only to please itself. It knows no better. It rejects help of those who know better. He pushes them over. He replaces them with those who only prize him as another coin in their bank. There is no longer sensibility. Practicality takes over. And soon, with a step, all hopes of a profitable future will diminish. Instead of an extraordinary good life, he is attracted to the lusts of an eye pleasing life that will only end tragically. For there is no such thing as long term satisfaction if one is pleasing only one’s self. Therefore another child’s future is ruined. He does not know it yet, but he has been tricked with “sweeties.”
I don't want to talk about the pain
It takes place too often
What is fair? What is right?
Its all a matter of opinion and I despise it
Because for now, I've lost
For now, I've been taken
Hope? No such thing
That's another story...
He has been bought. Sold. Traded. He is no longer a person with intellectual worth. He lives for enjoyment. Selfish feelings and childish sentiments. There is no longer a sensible being here. He is gone. There is only animal. An animal that longs only to please itself. It knows no better. It rejects help of those who know better. He pushes them over. He replaces them with those who only prize him as another coin in their bank. There is no longer sensibility. Practicality takes over. And soon, with a step, all hopes of a profitable future will diminish. Instead of an extraordinary good life, he is attracted to the lusts of an eye pleasing life that will only end tragically. For there is no such thing as long term satisfaction if one is pleasing only one’s self. Therefore another child’s future is ruined. He does not know it yet, but he has been tricked with “sweeties.”
I don't want to talk about the pain
It takes place too often
What is fair? What is right?
Its all a matter of opinion and I despise it
Because for now, I've lost
For now, I've been taken
Hope? No such thing
That's another story...
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Talking to prostitutes
Me: Hey lets invite the new guys to GameNight
Friend: hmmm...we should check with the game organizer to make sure its ok.Me: Ooookaaaay *rolls eyes* (because they must be drug dealers or something *sarcasm*)
Me: (checks with game organizer) Ok she says its good.
Friend: Ok cool.
So I find it annoying when church activities, which are supposed to be outreach based anyways, turn into this exclusive club of "only the chosen few."
I can see MANY things wrong with this picture and I am one of them! I need to step out and say hello to the strangers around me. I see them all the time and yet I barely know them. What kind of Christian am I if I stay inside an "exclusive" group.
STOP BEING SAFE!!!! Be as Jesus was and talk to the prostitutes and thieves.
The above is my facebook status. I really had to rant about this situation in church today. The long version of the story is: one of the youth groups at my church is having a game night. Our teacher who is in charge is really friendly and open to anyone coming. I know this. But my friend obviously doesn't. I want to be nice and invite the new guys who come but whom I've never talked to...I ask her if she wants to go with me when I ask them. She says, "Um we really should check with Ms. _____." She says it with such an urgent look in her eye and I think, "Really? You mean we're going to have to go check if its okay to invite some nice guys? Isn't this what the game night is for? Bringing people together?" I go check with our Teacher to appease my friend. Of course the Teacher says yes. I had no doubt there. I'm seriously doubting my friend and what she's been raised to think about ministry in the church.
So I really don't get it. Do you?
I am really angry, disappointed, and almost a little discouraged. NO Actually, I am the opposite of discouraged. This interaction has caused me to be even more friendly and to reach out even more! I need to spend time to get to know the people I've passed by in the halls of my church. Like I said in the above facebook status, Jesus talked to prostitutes. Surely we can speak to that new family or even that one lone church attendee. Sit with them during lunch. Don't let them sit alone. Discouragement is the best weapon of the devil. Don't let him get you there! WHO'S WITH ME?
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Strange Dreams
So last night I dreamt that it was the Holocaust all over again.
Since I was a Pacific Islander (neither black, white, asian, or any straight race) I was included in their "cleansing."
I was walking in the woods.
Then these tanks come out of nowhere led by German troops (attractive ones).
I jump into the pine needles and they don't see me.
I run back to our town and run to a park.
There is one guard who stands motionless in the corner.
We meet eyes and hold for seconds.
Then, I take off in the opposite direction.
The guard is on my trail.
I am trapped against a fence with a hedge on the other side.
I climb it.
I am now surrounded by a concrete fence on all sides but the one I climbed over.
The guard has multiplied to 3 guards.
I am trapped and to be shot.
During the night I come up with a plan.
In the morning when they come to shoot me, I push a button on the concrete wall.
The top of the enclosed concrete area comes crashing down.
I jump out right in time.
I run to a tourist shop and hide behind the counter changing clothes.
Then suddenly I'm having tea with the shop assistant and am pregnant.
How did this happen?
Oh dreams you silly!
The night before I dreamnt that I was being chased by a blood thirsty grizzly bear.
No one knew of the danger except me.
Yes. Scary.
Lately, I've been having the most entertaining, involving, suspenseful dreams. I wake up sweating and shivering! Why is that? Oh well. Off to excercise and eat some dinner.
Since I was a Pacific Islander (neither black, white, asian, or any straight race) I was included in their "cleansing."
I was walking in the woods.
Then these tanks come out of nowhere led by German troops (attractive ones).
I jump into the pine needles and they don't see me.
I run back to our town and run to a park.
There is one guard who stands motionless in the corner.
We meet eyes and hold for seconds.
Then, I take off in the opposite direction.
The guard is on my trail.
I am trapped against a fence with a hedge on the other side.
I climb it.
I am now surrounded by a concrete fence on all sides but the one I climbed over.
The guard has multiplied to 3 guards.
I am trapped and to be shot.
During the night I come up with a plan.
In the morning when they come to shoot me, I push a button on the concrete wall.
The top of the enclosed concrete area comes crashing down.
I jump out right in time.
I run to a tourist shop and hide behind the counter changing clothes.
Then suddenly I'm having tea with the shop assistant and am pregnant.
How did this happen?
Oh dreams you silly!
The night before I dreamnt that I was being chased by a blood thirsty grizzly bear.
No one knew of the danger except me.
Yes. Scary.
Lately, I've been having the most entertaining, involving, suspenseful dreams. I wake up sweating and shivering! Why is that? Oh well. Off to excercise and eat some dinner.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Wit is educated insolence. -Aristotle
Laziness may appear attractive, but work gives satisfaction-Anne Frank
All forces in the world are not as powerful as an idea whose time has come-Victor Hugo
the above quotes were given to me by my English pro Christopher Lapointe
he is an amazing teacher. if you go to Thomas Nelson Community College or hear his name anywhere (as you might in the future) don't hesitate to take LP's class!
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Jan 28-That's Why The Present Is A Gift
"Live in the present tense while you still can." ~Lord Grantham (Downton Abbey)
I adore British television and the BBC does an amazing job of birthing television series that keep me entertained (ie: Doctor Who is one of many examples). But other than the man in the blue box, I enjoy the turmoil of "old english" families. It started in 2007 when I watched the Keira Knightley version of Pride and Prejudice. From then on I was hooked. PBS was my savior when I found their Masterpiece Theatre program which aired BBC productions. There is just something about a British costume drama. Its all in the air of the english. Their struggle to remain "english" and proper, and untouched by emotion and its "weakness" fascinates me to no end.
Tonight, my mom and my second oldest sister Roswena, we are watching Downton Abbey Season 2. Its World War I and a wealthy British family struggles with running house in their mansion of a home. They suffer from losses in the family, losses of staff. There are many love stories going on: between the rich daughter and a chaffeur to a maid and the valet. Through it all, Downton Abbey brings people of different class and situations together in this big stew of "Britishness."
There is alot of, what my English teacher would have me call, "pathetic appeal" in this film series. Every 5 minutes, there is either an extreme high or an extreme low. With tear pulling music complete with spot on actors there is no end to feeling for them. By the time the credits play, you are forced to feel something for the characters. I try to forget that I'm being played to "believe a lie" and just live in the moment and believe it just because. I think many of us need to do this a bit more often.
We need to forget its pretend and feel. Feel.
There was a particular scene in one of the episodes I watched tonight that really stuck to me. The Lord of the manor is speaking with a soldier and he speaking about his cousin who is away at war and has just been deemed "missing in action." When reffering to his cousin instead of using the past tense he uses the present tense when he says, "I love him." He is asked why he does that. "Because we should live in the present while we can." And this is what I love about period dramas: no matter how distant they are away in culture or time, there is always something that relates back to my time and to myself. Always.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Jan 25-Money, Money Oh Honey Honey!
This was going to be a post about Guam...but I find it too hard to write about that.
Right now my brain is filled with worry. Especially money worry.
Current money problem: School.
The situation explained
I went on a trip to Guam. My professor for this semester said he could excuse me from the classes I missed. When I'm in Guam I log onto my student account and see that my class has been dropped. I didn't drop it. I spoke to my professor and he didn't drop me either. I find out that my payment wasn't confirmed and the school dropped my class.
Today I was planning on going in and paying the fee and signing up again for my class but I need 50 more dollars to do so. I don't have that 50 dollars right now and I cannot ask anyone for it... I am now waiting for next week's paycheck. The waiting is killing me...or was--it seems that writing out my fustrations here has fixed the problem. HALLELUJAH! Worry is gone--for now.
Right now my brain is filled with worry. Especially money worry.
Current money problem: School.
The situation explained
I went on a trip to Guam. My professor for this semester said he could excuse me from the classes I missed. When I'm in Guam I log onto my student account and see that my class has been dropped. I didn't drop it. I spoke to my professor and he didn't drop me either. I find out that my payment wasn't confirmed and the school dropped my class.
Today I was planning on going in and paying the fee and signing up again for my class but I need 50 more dollars to do so. I don't have that 50 dollars right now and I cannot ask anyone for it... I am now waiting for next week's paycheck. The waiting is killing me...or was--it seems that writing out my fustrations here has fixed the problem. HALLELUJAH! Worry is gone--for now.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Jan 23-New Year Revolution
So youtuber Rosianna, www.youtube.com/missxrojas, is doing a challenge where she completes a challenge from this site www.revolution.channel4.com/try-something-new everyday for 31 days.
Here you can here me singing Better Together by Jack Johnson
Here you can here me singing Better Together by Jack Johnson
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Jan 23-Year of the Dragon
Okay so here is a non-Guam post. Which is rare around here isn't it? Enjoy!
Speaking of Chinese celebrations, I'd like to introduce you (or re-introduce you-all you PBS kids) to one of my favorite shows when I was 6-10 years old. Say hello to Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese cat.
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Sagwa with her siblings (Sheegwa and Dongwa) from the PBS show "Sagwa, The Chinese Siamese Cat" |
Now I'm not Chinese or anything but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate their New Year which begins today! Happy Year of the Dragon. I feel like this year is going to be fierce!
Reasons why 2012 is my "dragon" year
1. 2012 started off great with a vacation to Guam
2. I'm turning 19 in August
3. I am doing well in school
4. I'm planning on getting a second job
5. I have almost everything I ever wanted
6. I have everything that I need right now
Sagwa is a cat who lives in the early Chinese era. The tv series included characters such as the noodle loving Magistrate, his wife whose sleeves were filled with pekinese dogs, italian visitors who introduced pizza, and 100 year old tofu.
It may sound ridiculous, but when I watched Sagwa I could smell the "old China." Not that I know what it smells like or have ever been to China, but the vivid colors, gripping sounds and cute stories completely captured me. For a long time China was my favorite country that I swore I would visit. This tv show was the beginning of my "wanderlust" disease.
In case you don't know, wanderlust is what I call my longing to travel and see new places. My trip to Guam confirmed that I love airplanes, airports, the stress and joy of traveling over land and sea. I haven't been on a train yet, but once I have, I'll be hooked on all forms of travel.
Can any of you recall tv shows that have inspired you to do something? Or want to do something? Will you do that something?
Over my vacation, one of the things I learned was how to live each day to the fullest. Don't wait for tomorrow to do what you can today. Pretend Jesus is coming tomorrow.
2012 The Dragon Year is the year I live each day as if it was a year
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Jan 15-My Uncles
I want to introduce you to my Uncles-my mom's bros.
During this trip to Guam, I have come to know them a little bit better.
And I have seen a snippet more to add to my collection of snippets of memories of them.
Uncle Steve
1/4 The oldest
JOB-entails setting up snake traps and chasing birds away at the International Airport in Guam
INTERESTS-reading (there is this big shelf in their house that is stacked with hard and paper backed novels)
MARRIED- to Aunt Elaine whose jobs have included: elementary school teacher, daycare center owner, and karaoke bar owner
Uncle Fred
2/4 the second oldest
JOB-Captain of a tour boat "Real World Diving" that takes out (mostly Japanese) tourists on a tour of the island waters where they can chase dolphins, snorkle, and fish for tropical fishes
INTERESTS-he lives in a shack with an outdoor kitchen, shower, and port o potty on "The Ranch"
SINGLE-he had a girlfriend when he visited us in VA but I don't know what happened
My Mom goes here in age order, perhaps I'll write a blog post about her?
Uncle Walt
4/4 the youngest
JOB-business person (I've always asked mom what he does but she has never actually clarified-"something in business" she always tells us)
INTERESTS-Complete with glasses, Uncle Walt is a geeky nerd. He enjoys the more cultured side of life, however he is always ready to crack a joke and have some fun.
SINGLE-and thats the end of that
During this trip to Guam, I have come to know them a little bit better.
And I have seen a snippet more to add to my collection of snippets of memories of them.
Uncle Steve
1/4 The oldest
JOB-entails setting up snake traps and chasing birds away at the International Airport in Guam
INTERESTS-reading (there is this big shelf in their house that is stacked with hard and paper backed novels)
MARRIED- to Aunt Elaine whose jobs have included: elementary school teacher, daycare center owner, and karaoke bar owner
Uncle Fred
2/4 the second oldest
JOB-Captain of a tour boat "Real World Diving" that takes out (mostly Japanese) tourists on a tour of the island waters where they can chase dolphins, snorkle, and fish for tropical fishes
INTERESTS-he lives in a shack with an outdoor kitchen, shower, and port o potty on "The Ranch"
SINGLE-he had a girlfriend when he visited us in VA but I don't know what happened
My Mom goes here in age order, perhaps I'll write a blog post about her?
Uncle Walt
4/4 the youngest
JOB-business person (I've always asked mom what he does but she has never actually clarified-"something in business" she always tells us)
INTERESTS-Complete with glasses, Uncle Walt is a geeky nerd. He enjoys the more cultured side of life, however he is always ready to crack a joke and have some fun.
SINGLE-and thats the end of that
Jan 19-Grandma
So I'm up on the second floor of my Aunty Pie's home lying on my stomach using my cousin's computer.
Downstairs my family is eating a very quiet, very strained dinner.
The cause of the strained quiet? My grandmother, Anne Taitague Ulloa.
When my grandma came to live with us in Virginia, I was 12.
The only memories I had of her were happy ones. She gave us grandkids sweets and clothes and spoiled us rotten. Boy was I in for a surprise! Because I had not been introduced to the other side of her.
Every person has two sides to them. There's the light side and then theres the dark side. My grandma's dark side came out a few weeks after she was living with us. She would get overly angry about small things like us kids not doing our chores on time. Sometimes her scolding would increase to loud fits where she would walk around the house yelling her head off. Once, she chased me around the house and into a closet not caring that I was bawling all the water out of my eye sockets.
That night, my mom explained to me that grandma, would get overly excited sometimes and she has been this way for awhile ever since her blood pressure went up and she got diabetes. My mom told me that we just need to be gentle and comply with what she wants. "Don't argue," she told me.
And so I learned how to "comply" with grandma's "difficulty." I learned how to "agree" with her and "manipulate" around her fits to make it seem as if the problem was solved. I became very skilled in this and soon I could tell when one of her fits were coming on and what degree of compliancy would be needed this time around.
I wonder if this is the best way to handle situations like these? I know this is the only way I know to calm her, but I can't help but feel deceitful in a way. I know I'm not displaying my true feelings towards her. But is it deceitful to hide the way you feel and just go along with the flow? Or is it okay as long as everyone is getting along fine? I don't know...I used to think that hiding your feelings is a lie to yourself and others but now I don't know.
Either way, my grandma has taught me that God must be a very patient person. He loves us no matter what our faults are and even when we are angry and yell at Him for no justified reason. How great our heavenly Father is!
So, during this visit in Guam I've learned to just be. Be calm. Be compliant. Be helpful. Be agreeable. Put myself last and grandma first. Its been a very challenging, yet, humbling and gratifying experience. I know stuff like this really helps a person grow. I've grown in knowing my grandma. She is a great person no matter how shady her dark side gets, her light side is always amazing.
Downstairs my family is eating a very quiet, very strained dinner.
The cause of the strained quiet? My grandmother, Anne Taitague Ulloa.
When my grandma came to live with us in Virginia, I was 12.
The only memories I had of her were happy ones. She gave us grandkids sweets and clothes and spoiled us rotten. Boy was I in for a surprise! Because I had not been introduced to the other side of her.
Every person has two sides to them. There's the light side and then theres the dark side. My grandma's dark side came out a few weeks after she was living with us. She would get overly angry about small things like us kids not doing our chores on time. Sometimes her scolding would increase to loud fits where she would walk around the house yelling her head off. Once, she chased me around the house and into a closet not caring that I was bawling all the water out of my eye sockets.
That night, my mom explained to me that grandma, would get overly excited sometimes and she has been this way for awhile ever since her blood pressure went up and she got diabetes. My mom told me that we just need to be gentle and comply with what she wants. "Don't argue," she told me.
And so I learned how to "comply" with grandma's "difficulty." I learned how to "agree" with her and "manipulate" around her fits to make it seem as if the problem was solved. I became very skilled in this and soon I could tell when one of her fits were coming on and what degree of compliancy would be needed this time around.
I wonder if this is the best way to handle situations like these? I know this is the only way I know to calm her, but I can't help but feel deceitful in a way. I know I'm not displaying my true feelings towards her. But is it deceitful to hide the way you feel and just go along with the flow? Or is it okay as long as everyone is getting along fine? I don't know...I used to think that hiding your feelings is a lie to yourself and others but now I don't know.
Either way, my grandma has taught me that God must be a very patient person. He loves us no matter what our faults are and even when we are angry and yell at Him for no justified reason. How great our heavenly Father is!
So, during this visit in Guam I've learned to just be. Be calm. Be compliant. Be helpful. Be agreeable. Put myself last and grandma first. Its been a very challenging, yet, humbling and gratifying experience. I know stuff like this really helps a person grow. I've grown in knowing my grandma. She is a great person no matter how shady her dark side gets, her light side is always amazing.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Jan 13-Reunion
For those waiting for pictures and blog posts, I apologize for the lack of updates. But I've been busy!
During my time in Guam, our weekends have been filled with reunions.
Everywhere my parents go, they are greeted by people they knew "once upon a time." I love seeing my mom get so happy when she re-meets a friend. And all the greetings are the same.
The friend sees my mom and calls out.
Then there is the hug!
Then they laugh and cry and hug again before introductions of the children.
My dad has re-met friends as well.
At the flea market, at The Tent (one of the 7th day churches), while fishing etc;
Its nice to witness reunions.
The end.
During my time in Guam, our weekends have been filled with reunions.
Everywhere my parents go, they are greeted by people they knew "once upon a time." I love seeing my mom get so happy when she re-meets a friend. And all the greetings are the same.
The friend sees my mom and calls out.
Then there is the hug!
Then they laugh and cry and hug again before introductions of the children.
My dad has re-met friends as well.
At the flea market, at The Tent (one of the 7th day churches), while fishing etc;
Its nice to witness reunions.
The end.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Jan 11-A Funny Story
Breakfast is time where food is passed and stories are shared. The following is a true story retold by Aunty Py at the breakfast table.
We'll call this story "Island Hippie"
A few years ago (20-40), Aunty Py and her family lived in a trailer in the jungle. She hired a few men to work for her planting trees. One day, a hippie drove up and said,
"I'm going to work for you."
She decided to hire him. The hippie was a weird one (as most hippies are). Some of his eccentric traits included: Eating compost from the garden
Squishing up his sandwich before devouring it
One day she caught him planting three trees in one hole. So, she sent her daughter out to tell him off.
"Who are you to tell me what to do?" said the Island hippie.
"Say it again?" replied the other workers who were ready to beat the hippie up in an instant (he wasn't the favorite).
In the end, the guy was fired. Aunty Py wanted him to leave immediately but he instead persuaded her to let him wait awhile to be picked up by his girlfriend.
His girlfriend arrives with the car. And the car won't start. So the Island hippie comes up with an idea, "Hey you get in the car and I'll push it!"
The workers and Aunty Py laugh as they watch these two idiots push the car down the road and out of sight. And that night over pizza, they make up a story about the Island Hippie.
Its night. His girlfriend asks him to come in to bed and Island hippie responds, "There's a full moon! I want to watch it go up!"
the end
....oh he was the craziest man I ever saw! ~Aunty Py
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Jan 10-Sigua Falls
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Sigua Falls on a dry day. When it rains, it is 10x the amount of water. |
I almost feel like showing you this picture is a lie. Why? Because today, Sigua Falls was 10x this size!
This is the story of our hike to Sigua Falls.
The night before the trek
Cousin Danny: Do you guys have plans tomorrow?
Me: No. I don't think so. Why?
Cousin Danny: Because I was thinking about showing you Sigua Falls tomorrow.
Me: Cool! Yes! Please do it!
Cousin Danny: What's your waist size?
Me: I don't know?
*Both of us stand up and get next to each other to measure our waists*
Cousin Danny: I have a pair of pants that will fit you. They were my old fire fighter pants.
The morning of the trek
Weather: Cloudy
Me: *wearing Danny's pants* Are you ready to go?
Cousin Danny: I think we'll go around 8:30 or 9.
Time: 8:30 am
Daddy comes back from gassing up the car
Me: Are you ready to go?
Daddy: Yeah sure. Where's everyone?
An hour later...
Me and everyone else waits in the car for Daddy to come out of the bathroom
Cousin Danny: *knocks on car window*
Mom: *rolls window down*
Cousin Danny: Is he at the other house?
Mom: Yeah
Cousin Danny: I'll go get him.
15 min later...
It was a cloudy, wet day when the two cars set off from Agana Heights, Guam. They traveled down the puddle ridden street and turned left into the "Le Rosa Resort" and finally ended the journey by pulling off on the side of the road.
Everyone is out of the car
It is raining
Everyone is soaked before their shoes hit the grass
Half an hour later...
Cousins Danny and Wally are leading the way with Kapson and Selencia on their tails, Roswena, Cc, and Me in the middle and Mom and Dad bringing up the rear.
Terrain: Mud---NO wet clay that sinks in with every step
Ground level: Puddles, and a few hills
Weather: Raining and windy---so windy that it feels like you're on a roller coaster in the rain
During the hike, the terrain goes from moderate hilly to severe steepness. Up and down. Up and down. If that's not enough challenge for your balance, then add a strong wind, rain, and you get a hiking trail equal to a slip and slide. At one hill Danny points out one of the falls to us (the one in the picture) and he exclaims, "Oh wow! The last time I was here, the falls had 10x less water.
An hour later...
The rain has stopped but we've now reached the last leg of our hike before the falls. I look down into the endless chasm of rock, rain, and clay.
The way is steep. You have to get on your butt, use your hands to steady you and crab walk down the "steeper than a ladder set almost vertically against the house" trail. Thankfully, half way down, ropes appear. If not for the ropes, I know I would have rolled to my death. Although, at one place, I almost do fall to my death when I slide for several feet (I was holding on to a piece of rope and managed to steady myself on another tree). Further down, not only are there ropes among the steep rocks and wet clay, there are also trees! Hallelujah! You can now use the trees to fall onto and help you slide down the trail.
15 min later...
At one point I thought I was going to perish, but by God's grace I made it! I thank Him again for my life as I step on steady ground. I feel like kissing the ground which is littered with coconut leaves, a few bottles, and the ever present dirt. Kapson, Selencia and the cousins are already in the clay red water. I look up and what I thought was rain is actually the waterfall being blown down stream and into my face. When I finally decide to jump in (pants and all) oh it feels so good! Its not like the weather was hot or anything, but oh the relief from the clay that has fallen into EVERYTHING! Pockets and----ahem----other areas. We swim around at the bottom of the falls and the current is really strong. The boys try to build a dam but fail and I climb up the falls a bit. Oh the shower feels amazing! ---and then its time to go.
The trek back...
The rain has stopped and so its less slippery, but still, the last leg of the trek (which is now the first leg) is the hardest because we are now climbing up the wet rocks and slippery clay trying to grip the loose rope that is wet. Many times we have to stop and wait for Mom and Dad to catch up. Many times I feel like at any moment I will slip and tumble to my death. Well peoples of the internet, I did not die because I am here. Enough said.
Things I learned...
1) Hiking is an adventure
2) Hiking in the wet, steep, slippery clay, terrain of Guam is a BIGGER adventure
3) Whenever you think you might not be able to do something, DO IT! You'll always learn something new, get a few cuts from sword grass, and get closer to whoever you experience these adventures with.
So the end to this blog. Tomorrow is another adventure on this small island!
Saturday, January 7, 2012
A Week in Guam-Jan 3-7
Okay so it hasn't exactly been a week yet...but that will be the title of this post anyways.
So far this week I have, met cousins and aunts and uncles, re-met grandparents and great aunts, snuck out of the house I was staying in to exercise atop a roof with cousins, gone to a baptism in the ocean, went to 2 beaches, and watched a Korean drama. OH and did I mention my nails are blue?
So for my friends back in Virginia, I am going to compare Guam to the states.
Similarites: Air conditioning (praise God!), electricity (another Amen!), running water (okay enough with the utilities...), roads, houses, cars, Gas (4.52), trees (even though these ones are a bit different-surprisingly there are fir trees here), I know there are more similarities but I've forgotten...
Stores--They don't have Wal-mart, but they do have a K-mart that is nicer than all the K-marts in Virginia, they have several shopping malls, and they have ROSS! Other than that, the stores here are smaller and everything is a dollar more.
People--Its nice to walk down the street and see people that look like me. I feel so at ease! I mean, it was a bit strange at first not to see a white person all the time, but I got used to it! Also, everyone is really nice here. Hafa Adai! The island greeting is used all the time and it is easy to strike up conversation with people. Since it is a warm island, the people are more relaxed in their dress. Once in awhile, you'll find people trying to look fashionable, but that is usually only if there is air conditioning around. Most of the time, t-shirts and shorts are the usual apparel.
Weather--humid all the time, breezy sometimes (that really helps with the humidity), sunny (most of the time), rain (on and off but its always sunny)
Okay now that I've done that, let me introduce you to some family members and tell you about our living situation.
Aunty Py and Uncle Dick--You'll find this curly haired lady, cooking up a storm in the kitchen. There is always food all the time. She is very laid back and lets us kids do whatever. However, when the time is right, she has very strong opinions. Uncle Dick always has a relaxed smile on his face. No matter what, he is in a good mood.
Davine, her sister, her little sister, her mom--16 yr old cousin who lives with Aunty Py and Uncle Dick, she is into Korean dramas, photography, and adventures. This outgoing girl is always ready to have a good time (oh no these descriptions are becoming like dating infomercials). LOL She's good fun. She has a little sister who is too cute, an older sister that is never around much and her mom who lives and works elsewhere.
Danny--20 yr old, cousin from Washington State living with Aunty Py and Uncle Dick, tall and funny, he has a scooter and works at Underwater World, described by Davine as, "a bad example."
Wally--19 yr old, cousin from ?, he is usually upstairs watching tv in a room that stinks like wet dog, since we've arrived, he's been my dad's guinea pig having adventures with him: machining the jungle, fishing with kayaks, and climbing coconut trees.
Aunty Lucy, Grandma and Grandad--are the elder citizens of the house. They come out every once in awhile to eat or watch tv or observe the silly children. Its funny to listen to their conversations.
The Uncles--Walt, Fred, Steve, they are off working most of the time so we don't see them very often but we will be going on Uncle Fred's boat next Sunday and they are all coming to Grandad's Birthday Celebration this afternoon!
Houses: There are two houses we are living at right now. There is our grandparents' home which is right atop a hill 3 stories where we sleep and shower. Than there is Aunty Py's house right below the other house where we eat and spend most of our time with the family. Her roof is amazing! Climb atop and you can see everything!
Dogs--(CC wanted me to mention them. There are 3. Ok they are mentioned).
Cat--Vixen cute kitten.
Bugs--not too many actually
So far this week I have, met cousins and aunts and uncles, re-met grandparents and great aunts, snuck out of the house I was staying in to exercise atop a roof with cousins, gone to a baptism in the ocean, went to 2 beaches, and watched a Korean drama. OH and did I mention my nails are blue?
So for my friends back in Virginia, I am going to compare Guam to the states.
Similarites: Air conditioning (praise God!), electricity (another Amen!), running water (okay enough with the utilities...), roads, houses, cars, Gas (4.52), trees (even though these ones are a bit different-surprisingly there are fir trees here), I know there are more similarities but I've forgotten...
Stores--They don't have Wal-mart, but they do have a K-mart that is nicer than all the K-marts in Virginia, they have several shopping malls, and they have ROSS! Other than that, the stores here are smaller and everything is a dollar more.
People--Its nice to walk down the street and see people that look like me. I feel so at ease! I mean, it was a bit strange at first not to see a white person all the time, but I got used to it! Also, everyone is really nice here. Hafa Adai! The island greeting is used all the time and it is easy to strike up conversation with people. Since it is a warm island, the people are more relaxed in their dress. Once in awhile, you'll find people trying to look fashionable, but that is usually only if there is air conditioning around. Most of the time, t-shirts and shorts are the usual apparel.
Weather--humid all the time, breezy sometimes (that really helps with the humidity), sunny (most of the time), rain (on and off but its always sunny)
Okay now that I've done that, let me introduce you to some family members and tell you about our living situation.
Aunty Py and Uncle Dick--You'll find this curly haired lady, cooking up a storm in the kitchen. There is always food all the time. She is very laid back and lets us kids do whatever. However, when the time is right, she has very strong opinions. Uncle Dick always has a relaxed smile on his face. No matter what, he is in a good mood.
Davine, her sister, her little sister, her mom--16 yr old cousin who lives with Aunty Py and Uncle Dick, she is into Korean dramas, photography, and adventures. This outgoing girl is always ready to have a good time (oh no these descriptions are becoming like dating infomercials). LOL She's good fun. She has a little sister who is too cute, an older sister that is never around much and her mom who lives and works elsewhere.
Danny--20 yr old, cousin from Washington State living with Aunty Py and Uncle Dick, tall and funny, he has a scooter and works at Underwater World, described by Davine as, "a bad example."
Wally--19 yr old, cousin from ?, he is usually upstairs watching tv in a room that stinks like wet dog, since we've arrived, he's been my dad's guinea pig having adventures with him: machining the jungle, fishing with kayaks, and climbing coconut trees.
Aunty Lucy, Grandma and Grandad--are the elder citizens of the house. They come out every once in awhile to eat or watch tv or observe the silly children. Its funny to listen to their conversations.
The Uncles--Walt, Fred, Steve, they are off working most of the time so we don't see them very often but we will be going on Uncle Fred's boat next Sunday and they are all coming to Grandad's Birthday Celebration this afternoon!
Houses: There are two houses we are living at right now. There is our grandparents' home which is right atop a hill 3 stories where we sleep and shower. Than there is Aunty Py's house right below the other house where we eat and spend most of our time with the family. Her roof is amazing! Climb atop and you can see everything!
Dogs--(CC wanted me to mention them. There are 3. Ok they are mentioned).
Cat--Vixen cute kitten.
Bugs--not too many actually
Monday, January 2, 2012
INTRO part 2
So...this blog is not the only way I'll be documenting 2012.
Tumblr will be used to post pictures plus other stuff from other users but majority of pics will be there.
Youtube will be where I upload my video blogs.
Here are the links.
Tumblr: http://www.bluesalad.tumblr.com
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/bsmeansbluesalad
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look at my Hobbit feet! seriously look and gape at those beauties! ;) |
Tumblr will be used to post pictures plus other stuff from other users but majority of pics will be there.
Youtube will be where I upload my video blogs.
Here are the links.
Tumblr: http://www.bluesalad.tumblr.com
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/bsmeansbluesalad
Leg One of 2012 Dec 31st-Jan 1
This past fall (in what was 2011) I read a book called "The Art of Travel" by Alain de Botton, and oh was it the book for me! I mean, that book had everything I wanted to hear! The below quote realizes that. Listen, we all want inspiration, no not want but require. And "The Art of Travel" was the inspiration for me.
I am on a trip. Although, the act of putting a scarf in front of my face demonstrates my grumpy, uncooperativeness towards the photographer (my dad), I am nevertheless a happy camper-make that happy traveler. Here is a timeline of the first day of traveling.
DEC 31st (last day of the year before the world ends)
2:30 am
goes to sleep after watching a documentary on the West Boro Baptist (hate) Church
3:30 am
wakes up to people stirring down the stairs running to and fro making all sorts of rackets!
3:35 am
decides to get up because "I will not let my lack of sleep make me grumpy and ruin the excite of today, I am finally leaving North America!"
4:00 am
finally leave the house and my kitties (i don't want to go...)
5:00 am
get to airport and endure my dad's overexcitedness of taking too many pictures of the airport (i mean we haven't even got on the plane yet and the memory card is half full)
6:00 am
on the small plane to O'Hare Chicago
7:00 am
touch down in Chicago
8:00 am To 11 am
wait for 10 am flight which turns into waiting for 10 am flight which turns into waiting for 11 am flight which turns into watching little cousin play with a little boy...proud when he shows the little boy a magic card trick and the little boy's dad responds with, "that is very cool," in a very sincere voice.
4 pm (Hawaii time now)
Get off a plane in Honolulu, Hawaii. Glad to be off the plane that I've been on for 8 hours. I'M FINALLY OUT OF NORTH AMERICA!
5 pm
Don't know why I'm so happy to be out of North America and all of its four seasons. Who needs four seasons when you have warm and breezy island weather? Huh? who?
6 pm
Finds out flight to Guam is cancelled till tomorrow and spends night in hotel FREE FOOD AND FREE ROOMS!
9 pm
Tries to watch the ball drop in NYC but ends up passing out due to jet lag and just plain exhaustion.
12:03 am
Wakes up a few minutes after 12 am of Jan 1, 2012
9 am

10 am
finds out flight is cancelled again FREE FOOD AND FREE HOTEL! Staying on the 23rd floor!
Oh yeah! Time to throw stuff down on unsuspecting pool tourists.
12 pm
walks around Ala Moana Shopping Mall (humongous)
2 pm
walks around Ala Moana Park has a beach (not that humongous with trees and cardboard for homeless peoples)
3:15 pm
walks back to hotel
5:30 pm
eats at Chinese restaurant in hotel-misses friends!
10 pm
talks to friend, video blogs, tumblrs, and facebooks
12 am
writes blog posts
To watch video blog of Day 1 click link below
Journeys are the midwives of thought~Alain de Botton |
DEC 31st (last day of the year before the world ends)
2:30 am
goes to sleep after watching a documentary on the West Boro Baptist (hate) Church
3:30 am
wakes up to people stirring down the stairs running to and fro making all sorts of rackets!
3:35 am
decides to get up because "I will not let my lack of sleep make me grumpy and ruin the excite of today, I am finally leaving North America!"
4:00 am
finally leave the house and my kitties (i don't want to go...)
5:00 am
get to airport and endure my dad's overexcitedness of taking too many pictures of the airport (i mean we haven't even got on the plane yet and the memory card is half full)
6:00 am
on the small plane to O'Hare Chicago
7:00 am
touch down in Chicago
8:00 am To 11 am
wait for 10 am flight which turns into waiting for 10 am flight which turns into waiting for 11 am flight which turns into watching little cousin play with a little boy...proud when he shows the little boy a magic card trick and the little boy's dad responds with, "that is very cool," in a very sincere voice.
4 pm (Hawaii time now)
Get off a plane in Honolulu, Hawaii. Glad to be off the plane that I've been on for 8 hours. I'M FINALLY OUT OF NORTH AMERICA!
5 pm
Don't know why I'm so happy to be out of North America and all of its four seasons. Who needs four seasons when you have warm and breezy island weather? Huh? who?
6 pm
Finds out flight to Guam is cancelled till tomorrow and spends night in hotel FREE FOOD AND FREE ROOMS!
9 pm
Tries to watch the ball drop in NYC but ends up passing out due to jet lag and just plain exhaustion.
12:03 am
Wakes up a few minutes after 12 am of Jan 1, 2012
9 am

10 am
finds out flight is cancelled again FREE FOOD AND FREE HOTEL! Staying on the 23rd floor!
Oh yeah! Time to throw stuff down on unsuspecting pool tourists.
12 pm
walks around Ala Moana Shopping Mall (humongous)
2 pm
walks around Ala Moana Park has a beach (not that humongous with trees and cardboard for homeless peoples)
3:15 pm
walks back to hotel
5:30 pm
eats at Chinese restaurant in hotel-misses friends!
10 pm
talks to friend, video blogs, tumblrs, and facebooks
12 am
writes blog posts
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