Journeys are the midwives of thought~Alain de Botton |
DEC 31st (last day of the year before the world ends)
2:30 am
goes to sleep after watching a documentary on the West Boro Baptist (hate) Church
3:30 am
wakes up to people stirring down the stairs running to and fro making all sorts of rackets!
3:35 am
decides to get up because "I will not let my lack of sleep make me grumpy and ruin the excite of today, I am finally leaving North America!"
4:00 am
finally leave the house and my kitties (i don't want to go...)
5:00 am
get to airport and endure my dad's overexcitedness of taking too many pictures of the airport (i mean we haven't even got on the plane yet and the memory card is half full)
6:00 am
on the small plane to O'Hare Chicago
7:00 am
touch down in Chicago
8:00 am To 11 am
wait for 10 am flight which turns into waiting for 10 am flight which turns into waiting for 11 am flight which turns into watching little cousin play with a little boy...proud when he shows the little boy a magic card trick and the little boy's dad responds with, "that is very cool," in a very sincere voice.
4 pm (Hawaii time now)
Get off a plane in Honolulu, Hawaii. Glad to be off the plane that I've been on for 8 hours. I'M FINALLY OUT OF NORTH AMERICA!
5 pm
Don't know why I'm so happy to be out of North America and all of its four seasons. Who needs four seasons when you have warm and breezy island weather? Huh? who?
6 pm
Finds out flight to Guam is cancelled till tomorrow and spends night in hotel FREE FOOD AND FREE ROOMS!
9 pm
Tries to watch the ball drop in NYC but ends up passing out due to jet lag and just plain exhaustion.
12:03 am
Wakes up a few minutes after 12 am of Jan 1, 2012
9 am

10 am
finds out flight is cancelled again FREE FOOD AND FREE HOTEL! Staying on the 23rd floor!
Oh yeah! Time to throw stuff down on unsuspecting pool tourists.
12 pm
walks around Ala Moana Shopping Mall (humongous)
2 pm
walks around Ala Moana Park has a beach (not that humongous with trees and cardboard for homeless peoples)
3:15 pm
walks back to hotel
5:30 pm
eats at Chinese restaurant in hotel-misses friends!
10 pm
talks to friend, video blogs, tumblrs, and facebooks
12 am
writes blog posts
To watch video blog of Day 1 click link below
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