Friday, March 4, 2016

A Way of Life

I think this is my first blog post about dance. Well here we go folks!
The above video and dance were made and choreographed by dancer Emilio who goes as IaMEmiliodosal on Youtube. His friend had been diagnosed with Lupus. 

       I had previously watched a similar choreographed piece on the show So You Think You Can Dance several years back and that was the one that stuck with me. However, this piece is so much more put together, as well as performed in such a beautiful outdoor environment it has replaced the other piece as my favorite. And done to this song Fix You by Coldplay that has always envoked such a feeling of longing--it is amazing what music and movement does when put together!
        I believe God works in mysterious ways as well as in obvious ones. When I attended my first dance class at age 12 in a friend's living room I would never have known how much I would love movement. Today, dance is a way of my life. After dancing with a Christian dance ministry, teaching and trying out several styles from Ballet and Lyrical to Hip Hop and Lindy-hop I am moving constantly to music. Whenever there is sound of melody and rhythm it is unusual if I am still.
        For someone like me who does not enjoy being candid with their emotions, dance is my outlet. It is how I can freely express my emotions and still feel safe. Dance is a way of life. I have introduced many friends and am grateful to the many others who have also evangelized their love of movement towards me.
        So to those who are afraid of movement, give it a try. To those who move, move MORE! Dance and dance and dance and dance until your feet are sore and your heart is full and your mind has shed all of its negative emotions. Dance to release. Dance not to impress but express!

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