Saturday, November 26, 2016

Let's Go!

"I'll show you how to live." 


It feels good when a decision you've been pondering over has finally been made.
It feels good.
It also feels good, not because the world around you suddenly exudes peace, but because you have a bit of that peace within you--and that's all you need.
It's all I need.
And it feels good.

Okay floaty intro over.
I'm deciding to end my time at Union College with the end of this semester.
And I'm deciding to share this decision/announcement with most of you via blog post because I'm just better at sharing my feelings and reason in written words rather than using the verbal ones.


Why you ask? Why not finish the degree? Why not continue my schooling?

Because its finally a decision that I'm making for me. It's not that I was forced to come to Union. It's not that I haven't learned a lot in my time here. It's just that this decision to continue my education and "get a real job" was a thought fed to me continually in various interactions around me. Also, I am the biggest one to blame for the falsehood. Because I chose to believe the lie. The lie that my life was worth nothing if I didn't graduate college and get a "traditional" career-such as being a high school English teacher.


Because he told me to blame it on him. And I won't entirely, but this is definitely a reason I'm leaving college. My boyfriend Robert. I swore I'd never be one of those girls to give up her education or career for a guy. And I'm still not one of those girls. However, I blame part of my reason for this decision on him because he definitely was the one who helped to encourage me to make a decision for reasons that weren't out of fear.


Because I am continuing my schooling. Life is school. Time is learning. I don't end my education because I'm not paying tuition or living in a dorm. If anything, I feel that I've learned so much in my four years out of college than I have in my year and a half being away at college.

So to all my Unionites, I love you all. I have enjoyed being able to be a part of a school body. I have enjoyed learning what it means to live at school. Eat, breathe, work, and dream book-learning (no sarcasm here I actually enjoyed it all). I have learned what its like to be around hundreds of people your own age. It's been weird. It's been wonderful. It's been.

Thank you to my teachers, pastors, work supervisors out here in the mid-west. People I've danced with, laughed with. Thanks for showing me your Nebraska.
Okay I am still here until December the 14th so if you want to say goodbye in person I'll be around. Otherwise I'm excited and ready to head back home.

Back to ol' Virginie!
East coast here I come!

p.s. if you've read this far and haven't heard the song in the video above doom on not really but kinda!

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