Thursday, November 26, 2015

Hello? - Thoughts from my first Thanksgiving in Nebraska

I sit here typing. The sounds of the beginning scene of Adele's music video for her song "Hello" play behind this current blog window. Today was Thanksgiving. My first Thanksgiving away from my family. This was definitely a defining day.

8 am
Woke up
Grabbed supplies (blanket, socks, computer, phone)
Went to the basement to watch the 89th Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

10 am
Went upstairs to eat some of the breakfast I had packed last night for the dorms
Bagel, Vegetables cream cheese (now my favorite type of cream cheese), orange juice, two pastries, golden grahams cereal, almond milk (yes it was ALOT!)
Still watching the parade

11 am
Talked to Keanna (other half of Blue & Kay-find us on facebook!)
Called RoSeth (my sister and her fiancee's couple name isn't it cute?)
Bounced on a Pilates ball

12 pm
Borrowed two knives (two of the sharpest the dorm could offer-thanks to Jessica!)
Cracked open a coconut

1 pm
Still working on cracking open that coconut
Made keleguin with that young coconut
Thanks Mommy for the recipe!
Got ready to walk in the freezing rain

2 pm
Arrived at a friend's house for Thanksgiving Meal 
This is the keleguin! All it was missing was some red rice and turkey. 

3 pm
Still eating

4 pm
Watching Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving
Played a bit of Taboo

5 pm  Lazed about on the couch with these lovelies!

6 pm
More lazing and instagramming and pinteresting and facebooking

7 pm
Games and socialization with more students here during break

8 pm
Awkward arguments
Finally played an almost-complete game of Monopoly (Right that never happens!)
It was getting too real so we ended it

9 pm
Walk back to the dorm 
Trying not to slip on the newly fallen dusting of snow
Realizing this was the first time I'd seen snow on Thanksgiving

End of story. Nebraska is very different from Virginia. In good ways and bad. I miss the east coast so much and my friends back there. But its time for me to adult. Not that "adulting" is leaving one's home, but for me that is "adulting." A temporary separation from all I've ever known is what I need. A step back from everything. Its time to chase after a different dream. A dream that I have chosen for myself and one that I know I can achieve. 

Thank you Virginia for the memories. Nebraska thanks for the cold welcome, but welcome nonetheless.